
A collection of 26 posts

Discover the reimagined Binance.US app

Explore the refreshed Binance.US app, designed to help you do more with your crypto. Tour the latest improvements and try it today on the App Store & Google Play.

Introducing Buy & Sell Crypto With USDT

Explore the enhanced Buy & Sell Crypto With USDT feature on the Binance.US mobile app, which allows customers to use third-party payment providers to purchase crypto and convert crypto to fiat with ease.

Introducing Crypto Domains on Binance.US

Crypto domains replace long and complicated wallet addresses with a short and easy-to-remember name. Claim your .BinanceUS domain today.

Binance.US Lowers Advanced Trading Limits to Just $1 on Select Pairs

To make trading crypto more accessible to everyone, we’ve reduced our minimums from $10 to just $1 for buy and sell orders on all USD, stablecoin, and DAI trading pairs placed via our Advanced Trading product. The low minimum threshold joins our existing $1 minimums for all Buy, Sell,
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