A collection of 3 posts

All About Voxies (VOXEL)

VOXEL is the in-game currency and rewards token of Voxie Tactics, a turn-based roleplaying game that runs on the Polygon network.

All About Alien Worlds (TLM)

Alien Worlds (TLM), officially named โ€œTriliumโ€ but colloquially referred to as โ€œAlien Worldsโ€, is the native token and in-game currency of Alien Worlds, a blockchain-based play-to-earn (P2E) game that rewards players with NFTs and token rewards.

All About Gala Games (GALA)

GALA is a utility token that serves as the native token of the Gala Games ecosystem, which hosts a variety of play-to-earn (P2E) blockchain-based games.
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